Pittsfield Charter Township

6201 West Michigan Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: (734) 822-3135  I  Fax: (734) 944-6103
Website: www.pittsfield-mi.gov

Office of the Supervisor

March 10, 2021



1.Call Meeting to Order/6:30 PM/Determination of a Quorum
2.Pledge of Allegiance
3.Roll Call and Announcement of Location
3.1Approval of the Agenda
4.Public Comment I
Any person may come forward at this time to address the Board. Anyone who wishes to speak is requested but not required to state his/her name and address for the record.
4.1Board Response to Public Comment I
5.Approval of Minutes
5.1Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 24, 2021
5.2Approve the Minutes of the Working Session held on February 24, 2021
6.Public Hearings/Presentations/Proclamations


8.Consent Agenda

Approve payment of Accounts Payable checks #37775 through #37899 in the amount of $1,684,084.93


Approve payment of Payroll Payables checks #1336 through #1340 in the amount of $2,920.34


Approve payment of Tax Checking Payables checks #22918 through #22934 in the amount of $5,307,225.77


Approve payment to Consultants for UMS General Services in the amount of $50,530.82


Approve payment to Consultants for Community Development General Services in the amount of $4,765.66


Approve payment of service & subscription invoices in the amount of $7,920


Receive the March 10, 2021 Personnel Report

9.Items from the Treasurer

Winter Collection Update

10.Items from the Clerk
11.Items from the Supervisor

Authorize the purchase and installation of street lights per DTE recommendations in the Washtenaw Heights neighborhood, for an estimated cost not to exceed $160,000 including contingency.


Authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Recycle Ann Arbor for more inclusive and expansive recycling services, subject to Township Attorney approval.


Authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to enter into an Utility Service Agreement with Saline Area Schools and City of Saline, subject to Township Attorney approval.


Authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to enter into a contract with Burman's Tree Service for pre-construction work for Platt Road Greenway, Phase II, for a cost not to exceed $50,000, subject to Township Attorney approval.


Receive and file the 2020 Pittsfield Charter Township Planning Commission Annual Report.

12.Unfinished Business
13.New Business

Consideration of the Planning Commission recommendation to deny the First Reading of ZOA # 21-213.


Adopt a Resolution Receiving Zoning Ordinance Amendment on First Reading RZ 20-01 Geddes Vista ZOA #21-213, Resolution #21-14


Adopt a Resolution Declining to Rezone Property RZ 20-01 Geddes Vista ZOA #21-213, Resolution #21-15

14.Liaison/Trustee Reports
15.Public Comment II
Any person may come forward at this time to address the Board. Anyone who wishes to speak is requested but not required to state his/her name and address for the record.
15.1Board Response to Public Comment II

Consistent with the Open Meetings Act, this meeting is being held electronically to comply with Health Department orders and guidance and to reduce the risk of spreading disease at a live meeting. 


To participate as a member of the public:



Any person who wishes to contact members of the Board to provide input or ask questions on any business coming before the Board may do so by calling or emailing board members prior to the meeting. Contact information for all Board members can be found on the Township website at https://www.pittsfield-mi.gov. Reasonable auxiliary aids and services can be provided at the meeting to individuals with disabilities by contacting the Clerk's Office at the above address or (734) 822-3120 at least three business days in advance.


Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Pittsfield Charter Township Clerk's Office three business days prior to the meeting. The Clerk's Office can be reached at 734-822-3120 or via email clerk@pittsfield-mi.gov.